God's Word

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 The Lord guides me to reading the Scriptures of that day before addressing His message(s) to me.


The Messages of God in November 2024

8th November, received at Adoration,  
The Shrine of Our Lady – The Virgin of The Poor, Banneux

The Gospel Reading – Luke 16:1-8

The LORD says,

“My children of the Universe: Listen! I love you! Come back to the Light – it is Me, is your Light! If you have ears to listen to My call and obey it, you shall no longer walk in the darkness, because I will be at your side to guide you through towards Heaven. My road, My dear little ones, is narrow; hence always pray and trust in My Mercy. Do not be afraid. Be strong – take up your cross and follow Me wherever I go to... I will teach you to grow in holiness. Would you accept My invitation to holiness? Are you going to obey Me and listen to My call? I am listening to you. I bless you.”   +   (God blessed in Latin)

Friday’s Liturgical Reading: Today’s Gospel Acclamation (1 John 2:5) does answer the Word of God above. 

Gospel Acclamation (1 John 2:5) 

Alleluia, alleluia!  
When anyone obeys what Christ has said, God’s love comes to perfection in Him. 

15th November, received at Adoration,  
The Shrine of Our Lady – The Virgin of The Poor, Banneux

The Gospel Reading – Luke 17:26-37

The LORD says,

“My dear people: You have been going so far away, searching for meaning of life. I AM JESUS, your Saviour, who can only give you the meaning of your life, because I was revealed in the Flesh: I became Man, and I lived among men; I know the misery of mankind; I know each one of you; I AM GOD. Do you realise that I AM with you? I need your love – give Me your heart, and I will fill it with My abundant grace; for My Presence is in you and with you; if you listen to My Word... in silence, your life then will be changed into Joy! Unless you accept Me, who I AM, you can never enter in My Kingdom. For that reason, My beloved ones, listen then if you have ears. I love you, and I bless you with My Paternal Blessing: Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.”  +   Amen! 

Friday’s Liturgical Reading: Today’s Gospel Acclamation (Luke 21:28) does answer the Word of God above. 

Gospel Acclamation (Luke 21:28)

Alleluia, alleluia!  
Stand erect, hold your heads high, because your liberation is near at hand. 

22nd November, received at Adoration,  
The Shrine of Our Lady – The Virgin of The Poor, Banneux

The Gospel Reading – Luke 19:45-48

The LORD says,

“My dear children; My beloved ones: Do you know the time is near? So near... that I will come back again. REPENT! My dear children, and listen attentively to My Word, My Sacred Word. Abide by Me, and do not falter. I am sending My Angels to be with you, till I come to bring you back with Me. Be prepared then, for the Day of My Coming. I bless you: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.”     Amen!

Friday’s Liturgical Reading: Today’s Gospel Acclamation (John 10:27) does answer the Word of God above. 

Gospel Acclamation (John 10:27)  

Alleluia, alleluia!  
The sheep that belong to Me listen to My Voice, says the LORD, 
I know them and they follow Me. 

The Messages of God in October 2024

11th October, received at Adoration,  
The Shrine of Our Lady – The Virgin of The Poor, Banneux

The 1st Reading – Galatian 3:7-14; The Gospel Reading – Luke 11:15-26

 The LORD says,

“My dear people, listen to My word of today: Behold! I have the authority to bring you to life and to take your life... Be sure you understand that life is temporal. So, look up to Heaven, and pray to Me, your Father, “ABBA”, Who loves you. I am your life; so, be faithful to Me, love Me at all time, with all your heart and soul, and with all your mind and strength. Thus, I will bless you with a long life. Do you trust Me? I bless you.”  +   Amen. 

Friday Mass: Today’s Gospel Acclamation (John 10:27) does answer the Word of God above. 

Gospel Acclamation (John 10:27)

Alleluia, alleluia!  
The sheep that belong to Me listen to My Voice, says the LORD,
I know them and they follow Me. 

18th October, received at Adoration,  
The Shrine of Our Lady – The Virgin of The Poor, Banneux

(The Feast of Saint Luke, Evangelist)

The 1st Reading – 2 Timothy 4:10-17b; The Gospel Reading – Luke 10:1-9

 The LORD says,

“My dear children: Do not look further..., for I AM near with you. Look! My Kingdom is close to you; I AM in your heart. I come to My people, to you, every day, day and night.  I AM close to you... Are you aware of that? Wake up! And be aware of My Presence near you! Bow down humbly before Me and pray with a contrite heart – let your heart be filled with My virtues of humility and charity, and with good intentions. My dear little ones, call Me to be with you, and I will stay with you as long as you firmly pray. I love you and I bless you: In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.”     Amen. 

Friday Mass: Today’s Psalm (144:18. R/ v.12) does answer the Word of God above. 

Psalm (144:18. R/ v.12)

R/ Your friend, O LORD, shall make known the glorious splendour of your reign. 

The LORD is just in all His ways and loving in all His deeds. 
He is close to all who call Him, who call on Him from their hearts. 

28th October, received at Adoration,  
The Shrine of Our Lady – The Virgin of The Poor, Banneux

(The Feast of Saint Simon and Saint Jude, Apostles)

The Gospel Reading – Luke 6:12-19

 The LORD says,

“My dear children of the Universe, My little ones: I Am the Cornerstone, the Head of the Church: I established My Church – you are My Church. Listen to Me, My dear people: I AM the only One that sits on the Throne, for I am your King of all kings, and thus, no-one can subdue My power and snatch My Throne. I picked My Twelve Apostles and I named them; I assigned them, one by one...to proclaim the Good News everywhere in the Universe. Each of them had been sent by Me to proclaim about Who I AM. The prophets, I have sent them to you since then, to make you aware of the Sign of the Times. But, how many of you are informed about My messages from them? Do you understand? Hence, please take your time to read My Word from the Holy Bible and relate the messages to My Word. What do you understand? My precious little ones, pray so much..., for the Kingdom, My Kingdom is close to you. IF you search Me profoundly in your heart through prayer and through the Devotion to My Mother, your Mother Mary, She will help you understand. For I have given Her everything – all the graces to help you live in the virtues. Do you understand here? I bless you: In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.”    Amen. “PEACE be with you!”     

Thursday Mass: Today’s Psalm (18:4-5. R/v.5) and Gospel Acclamation do answer the Word of God above. 

Psalm (18:4-5. R/ v.5)

R/ Their word goes forth through all the Earth. 

No speech, no word, no voice is heard, yet their span goes forth through all the Earth, 
their words to the utmost bounds of the world.  

Gospel Acclamation 

Alleluia, alleluia!  
We praise You, O God, we acknowledge You to be the LORD. 
The glorious company of the apostles praise You, O LORD. 

The Messages of God in September 2024

13th September, received at Adoration,  
The Shrine of Our Lady – The Virgin of The Poor, Banneux

The Gospel Reading – Luke 6:39-42
The LORD says,

“My dear little children: Today, I give you, My Heart; open your heart, open your heart to receive Me..., your crucified JESUS. + Be near Me..., close to My Heart and listen to My Word: take up (to your shoulders) your cross and follow Me..., follow Me until the Calvary. Come and adore Me in silence, and love Me. Those who listen to My call and do what I told you, shall receive My grace, My love and Mercy. I shall restore your life, your broken-hearted, your sorrow, your pain and sickness. My dear children, do not wait for a long time. Decide now to live in holiness. I am your Holy One; come to Me and live with Me, in Me, and through Me. Thank you for having listened to My call. I bless you +: Pater, et filius, et Spiritus Sanctus.”  (God blessed in Latin)   Amen.  

Friday Mass: Today’s Psalm (83:3. R/ v.2) does answer the Word of God above. 

Psalm (83:3. R/ v.2)

R/ How lovely is Your dwelling place, LORD, God of hosts. 

My soul is longing and yearning, is yearning for the courts of the LORD.  
My heart and soul ring out their joy to God, the living God.

17th September, received at Adoration,  
The Shrine of Our Lady – The Virgin of The Poor, Banneux

The Gospel Reading – Luke 7:11-17
The LORD says,

“I am the Resurrection and the Life; the First and the Last. I am the Alpha and the Omega. I always live..., I am the same today, yesterday and tomorrow. So, My dear people, do you believe that I am your God? I come (to you) in order that you may have life, life in its fullness. Do you believe in that? Or, do you still doubt? I come (to you) to rise you up from the dead! You shall no longer live in the darkness, but in My Light. For I am, the Light of the world. If you believe, then come and follow Me. I let you the choice. I love you, and I bless you.”  +  (God blessed in Latin)    Amen.  

Tuesday Mass: Today’s Gospel Acclamation (Luke 7:16) does answer the Word of God above. 

Gospel Acclamation (Luke 7:16)

Alleluia, alleluia!  
A great prophet has appeared among us; God has visited His people.

30th September, received at Adoration,  
The Shrine of Our Lady – The Virgin of The Poor, Banneux

The 1st Reading – Job 1:6-22; The Gospel Reading – Luke 9:46-50
The LORD says,

“Humble yourselves before Me, My dear children. My people of good faith, do you know that I love you? Do you know that I come to you in order to save you? But, what have I done to you... that have made you stay away from Me? No matter what you do, I am always with you. I know you – who you are... You cannot hide from Me. Because I am your God, your crucified God, your Living Bread from Heaven; I am your deliverance from all your past sins. If you humble yourself before Me, and take time to pray with love and humility as a child, you will know that I Am your Precious Pearl that you are searching for, and that you want to embrace and keep It in your heart, because you may taste and see the Beauty of Me and My Holiness. My dear people: Will you listen to your God now, or will you leave Me? Do not go..., stay with Me and love Me, and I shall bless you abundantly.”  +   

Monday Mass: Today’s Gospel Acclamation (Mark 10:45) does answer the Word of God above. 

Gospel Acclamation (Mark 10:45)

Alleluia, alleluia!  
The Son of Man came to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.

The Messages of God in August 2024

2nd August, received at Adoration,  
The Shrine of Our Lady – The Virgin of The Poor, Banneux

The 1st Reading – Jeremiah 26:1-9; The Gospel Reading – Matthew 13:54-58
The LORD says,

“Open the door of your heart, My dear people! Open the door of your heart! And, let Me enter! Receive Me with reverent, and love Me with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. Do not abuse My sacred places. Be aware of My Presence in the Blessed Sacrament, and at the Holy Eucharist of the Sacrifice Altar. I Am the Sacrifice at the Altar, for you. Are you aware of that? I Am with you and among you. I Am, who I Am – the Alpha and the Omega. I Am the Resurrection and the Life! I give you all, My Body, My Blood, My Soul and My Divinity in order that you will live. Do not doubt of My Presence... Have faith! My dear people: Repent! And, come away from (leave) your doubt! I Am your Crucified LORD. Come! Adore Me and love Me...! Thank you for having listened to My call. I bless you.”  +   (God blessed in Latin)    Amen.  

Friday Mass: Today’s Gospel Acclamation (1 Peter 1:25) does answer the Word of God above. 

Gospel Acclamation (1 Peter 1:25)

Alleluia, alleluia!  
The Word of the LORD remains for ever: What is this Word? 
It is the Good News that has been brought to You.

14th August, received at Adoration,  
The Shrine of Our Lady – The Virgin of The Poor, Banneux

The Gospel Reading – Matthew 18:15-20
The LORD says,

“My dear people! Listen to My call to make your ‘self’ (life) sanctified through prayers and sacrifice. Change your earthly lifestyle to a more heavenly (piously) lifestyle. I want you to acknowledge My teaching and commandments and live with it, day after day. I am JESUS, the Word made Flesh. Those who listen to My word and practise It, shall be blessed and be fruitful. Listen then, if you have ears! Thank you for having listened to My call. I bless you.”  +   (God blessed in Latin)    Amen.  

Wednesday Mass: Today’s Gospel Acclamation (2 Corinthians 5:19) does answer the Word of God above. 

Gospel Acclamation (2 Corinthians 5:19)

Alleluia, alleluia!  
God in Christ was reconciling the world to Himself, 
and He has entrusted to us the news that they are reconciled. 

23rd August, received at Adoration,  
The Shrine of Our Lady – The Virgin of The Poor, Banneux

The Gospel Reading – Matthew 22:34-40
The LORD says,

“My dear, beloved children:   Do you know that I love you? I give you, life; I give you, strength; and, I give you My protection, every day. But... do you give thanks to Me for the gift of life? For I, the LORD of Host, I have the power to give you, life and to end your life. Be aware of that, My children, that I Am truly your Creator, your God, the Holy One of all holies, your Saviour and your King!  Do read the Holy Bible, in Genesis; it is in there...in which My word gives you the Wisdom of knowing Who I Am. Listen then if you have ears! I bless you.”  +    Amen.  

Friday Mass: Today’s Psalm (106:9. R/ v.1) and the Gospel Acclamation (Psalm 24:4. 5) do answer the Word of God above. 

Psalm (106:9. R/ v.1)

R/ O give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; for His love has no end. 

Let them thank the LORD for His love, for the wonders He does for men. 
For He satisfies the thirsty soul; He fills the hungry with good things.  

Gospel Acclamation (Psalm 24:4. 5)

Alleluia, alleluia!  
Teach me your paths, my God, make me walk in your truth.

The Messages of God in July 2024

12th July, received at Adoration,  
The Shrine of Our Lady – The Virgin of The Poor, Banneux

The Gospel Reading – Matthew 10:16-23
The LORD says,

“My dear people! My dear little ones! Be vigilant about what you intend to do that can destroy your life and condemn your soul. I love you; I shall not let you perish by the world’s ideology and seduction. My dear little ones: have you no eyes to see the Truth? I AM the Truth. Why are you wasting your time with all materialistic life, and that you have abandon Me?... Why have you done it? I love you lavishly... And I shall keep you in the bosom of My Heart, if you return to Me and repent. My beloved ones, love your Mother (Mary), the Queen of All Angels and Saints; She is to be honoured... And thus, I shall listen to your sincere prayer through Her. Pray a lot, My dear children! Here is My blessing + for you today.” (God blessed in Latin)   Amen.  

Friday Mass: Today’s Gospel Acclamation (1 Peter 4:14) does answer the Word of God above. 

Gospel Acclamation (1 Peter 4:14)

Alleluia, alleluia!  
It is a blessing for you, when they insult you for bearing the Name of Christ,
for the Spirit of God rests on you.

19th July, received at Adoration,  
The Shrine of Our Lady – The Virgin of The Poor, Banneux

The Gospel Reading – Matthew 12:1-8
The LORD says,

“My dear people: Are you hungry? Are your thirsty? What do you do in order to live? Do you have all you need in this world? If you have enough, but it does not satisfy you much, then, turn your eyes towards Me; ask for My Mercy and repent! Listen to My Commandments and put your life right with Me. If you do so, you shall live forever with Me, Your Jesus, Your Saviour.”  Amen.  

Friday Mass: Today’s Psalm (Is 38:16. R/ cf. v.27) does answer the Word of God above. 

Psalm (Is 38:16. R/ cf. v.27)

R/ You have held back my life, O LORD, from the pit of doom.

‘For You, LORD, my heart will live, you gave me back my spirit; 
You cured me, kept me alive, changed my sickness into health.’

26th July, received at Adoration,  
The Shrine of Our Lady – The Virgin of The Poor, Banneux

The Gospel Reading – Matthew 13:18-23
The LORD says,

“My dear children: Are you listening to Me when I am speaking to you? Are you aware of My presence in you and among you (when you are with others)? Look! This is the time... to take your time to be with Me in silence; listen to My Word of Life and keep It in your heart. Listen to My Word whispering in your soul to lead you towards Me... Those who listen to Me and practise It so as to live in the virtues, you shall receive more of It and you shall live in My grace. But those who refuse to do so, alas, you shall lose everything! You have not gain eternal life. Listen then if you have ears! I bless you.”   +   (God blessed in Latin)    Amen.  

Friday Mass: Today’s Gospel Acclamation (Matthew 8:15) does answer the Word of God above. 

Gospel Acclamation (Matthew 8:15)

Alleluia, alleluia!  
Blessed are those who, with a noble and generous heart,
take the word of God to themselves and yield a harvest through their perseverance. 

The Messages of God in June 2024

5th June, received at Adoration,  
The Shrine of Our Lady – The Virgin of The Poor, Banneux

The Gospel Reading – Mark 12:18-27
The LORD says,

“Take My hand (God extended His right-hand) and follow Me, My dear children. You must follow Me, because you do not know where you go to. My little children, leave behind all your belongings and your treasure, and come...follow Me! Come to Me with empty hands and with an open heart. Open your heart to Me and give it (your heart) to Me so that I will fill it with My love – My flaming love. You shall receive it if you have no doubt at all that I Am your Saviour who rises you up from the dead (from your sinful being) to life (to a new life). For I am the Resurrection and the Life, whoever believes in Me will never die, but live forever with Me in Heaven. My dear ones, listen! Bear witness My Glory to everyone. If you do what is holy, I shall reach out to you, and bring you close to My heart, in which (place) you shall live happily ever after. So, do not wait. Repent! and seek Heaven now... I bless you.” (God blessed in Latin)    Amen.

Wednesday Mass: Today’s Gospel Acclamation (John 11:25) does answer the word of God above. 

Gospel Acclamation (John 11:25)

Alleluia, alleluia!  
I am the resurrection and the life, says the LORD, whoever believes in Me will never die. 

14th June, received at Adoration,  
The Shrine of Our Lady – The Virgin of The Poor, Banneux

The Gospel Reading – Matthew 5:27-32
The LORD says,

“Behold! My dear people! Be holy as I, your LORD and your God, is Holy. I do not tolerate any longer, your old “selves” (sinful lives); your promiscuity behaviour leads you to perdition! I have created you; I have created you in my own image. For that reason, man (humanity) must not be disobedient to Me, their Master. If you do love Me, your sins, your old “selves”, will no more be seen by My eyes, as I have purchased you with My precious Blood on the Cross. Do you understand that? Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every Word that comes from My mouth. Mortal man! Repent and return to Me, and I shall make you mine. I love you, and I shall keep you in the bosom of My Heart. My dear people, listen then, if you have ears. Be strong and take courage! For I am with you, to save you if you trust in Me. Do you trust in Me? I am listening to you... PEACE be with you.”    Amen.  

Friday Mass: Today’s Psalm (26:7-9. R/ v.8) and the Gospel Acclamation (Phil. 2:15. 16) do answer the Word of God above. 

Psalm (Ps 26:7-9. R/ v.8)

R/ It is Your Face, O LORD, that I seek. 

O LORD, hear my voice when I call; have mercy and answer. 
Of You my heart has spoken: ‘Seek His Face.’ 

(Comment: God commands us to seek His Holy Face: Holy Face of JESUS)

Gospel Acclamation (Phil. 2:15. 16)

Alleluia, alleluia!  
You will shine in the world like bright stars, because you are offering it in the Word of Life.

21st June, received at Adoration,  
The Shrine of Our Lady – The Virgin of The Poor, Banneux

The Gospel Reading – Matthew 6:19-23
The LORD says,

“WAKE UP! Wake up! My dear people! Pick up your cross and follow Me, with fervent hearts! Do not falter, but trust in Me until the end of your journey on earth. I am with you, now and forever. Do you believe in Me, your crucified LORD, your JESUS? I AM who I AM. I am your light; I AM the Light of the world: hence anyone who humbles himself, picks up his cross humbly and follow Me, shall have the Light of Mine in him... so as to show him the Way to Salvation. You shall persevere to keep My commandments, and you shall bear My Word in you till the end of your life on earth. You shall not be afraid, if you trust in Me always... My dear people, listen then if you have ears. Come then, and follow Me, who is the Light of your life. Thank you for having listened to my command. I bless you.” (God blessed in Latin)     Amen.  

Friday Mass: Today’s Gospel Acclamation (Matthew 5:3) does answer the Word of God above. 

Gospel Acclamation (Matthew 5:3)

Alleluia, alleluia!  
How happy are the poor in spirit; theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 

The Messages of God in May 2024

3rd May, received at Adoration,  
The Shrine of Our Lady – The Virgin of The Poor, Banneux

(The Feast of Saint Philip and Saint James, Apostles)

The Gospel Reading – John 14:6-14
The LORD says,

“Listen to My Voice calling you in the desert (a silent place of prayer). Listen to My Voice calling you, one by one (God intends to speak to an individual being dearly). Listen to My Voice, My beloved people. My precious ones, listen to Me now, or never. It is your choice. Time is truly short, ... Do not wait any longer to who you will listen, and who you will follow... Believe in Me, your JESUS, who died for you and rose to life in the glory of My Father in Heaven. Blessed are those who have not seen Me, but believe that I come from My Father, your God. If you believed in Me, you would have believed the One who sent Me here on Earth. My dear little ones: Who are you searching for? I AM HE, that you are looking for? Aren’t you? No doubt, but believe. If you do so, you shall see Me, and therefore, you shall see too, My Father, your Father, your God who created you and loves you from the beginning of your life. Have faith in Me, and do not be lukewarm. I bless you.”     Amen.  

Friday Mass: Today’s Gospel Acclamation (John 14:6.9) and the Communion Antiphon do answer the word of God above. 

Gospel Acclamation (John 14:6.9)

Alleluia, alleluia!  
I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, says the LORD. 
Philip, to have seen Me is to have seen the Father.

Communion Antiphon

LORD, let us see the Father, and we shall be content. And Jesus said: Philip, he who sees Me, sees the Father, alleluia!

17th May, received at Adoration,  
The Shrine of Our Lady – The Virgin of The Poor, Banneux

The Gospel Reading – John 21:15-19
The LORD says,

“I am the Good Shepherd, My sheep knows My Voice and they follow Me. I take care of My sheep and I lead them to the pastures. The sheep can never be lost, as I keep them close to My Heart. My Heart is their Refuge; they can never go astray, except those do not obey My Voice – My instructions. I love you dearly; each one of you is precious in My eyes. Can you see that? Therefore, listen to My Voice every day by spending the time, your time, with Me in prayers and contemplation on My Word of life in the Holy Bible. If you love Me... if you truly love Me, you will do My Will and will obey Me. Listen! I am not far from you. Do you know that? My dear little ones, spend a moment of time with Me in Adoration and Thanksgiving, in so doing, you shall please Me a thousand times! Let Me hear your voice, My little ones: what is your response?” I am waiting for your return. I bless you with My Paternal blessing: + Pater, Filius, and Spiritus Santus.”       Amen.  

Friday Mass: Today’s Gospel Acclamation (John 14:26) and the Communion Antiphon do answer the word of God above. 

Gospel Acclamation (John 14:26)

Alleluia, alleluia!  
The Holy Spirit will teach you everything and remind you of all I have said to you. 

Communion Antiphon

When the Spirit of truth comes, says the LORD, He will lead you to the whole truth, alleluia!

The Messages of God in April 2024

14th April, received at Adoration,  
The Shrine of Our Lady – The Virgin of The Poor, Banneux

(The 3rd Week of Easter)

The Gospel Reading – Luke 24:35-48
The LORD says,

“I have resurrected! Do you believe? If you believe, then you may have no doubt of My presence amongst you. I AM JESUS, the Son of the Living God! I come to save you by means of My sacrifice and the Cross. You shall have the forgiveness of your sins through My precious Blood, which washes away your iniquities. Do you believe in this...? Then, repent and follow Me by now.”   Amen.  

Sunday Mass: Today’s Gospel Acclamation (Luke 24:32) and Communion Antiphon do answer the word of God above.

Gospel Acclamation (Luke 24:32)  

Alleluia, alleluia!  
LORD Jesus, explain the Scriptures to us. Make our hearts burn within us as You talk to us. 

Communion Antiphon

Christ had to suffer and to rise from the dead on the third day. In His Name, penance for the remission of sins is to be preached to all nations, alleluia! 

19th April, received at Adoration,  
The Shrine of Our Lady – The Virgin of The Poor, Banneux

The Gospel Reading – John 6:52-59
The LORD says,

“My dear people, listen to Me: I AM the Bread of Life coming down from Heaven. Whoever eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood, shall have eternal life. You shall live... you shall never die. Do you believe? What have I addressed to you here?: Those who listen to this truth, shall no longer be sad and weary, as your faith in Me, saves you already! But those who do not believe in Me, you thus do not believe in the truth. My dear beloveds, listen then, if you have ears, and you shall be saved and live with Me, forever.”  Amen! Amen! Amen!  “I bless you.”   +  (God blessed in Latin)    Amen. 

Friday Mass: Today’s Gospel Acclamation (John 6:56) does answer the word of God above.

Gospel Acclamation (John 6:56) 

Alleluia, alleluia!  
He who eats My Flesh and drinks my Blood,
lives in Me and I live in him, says the LORD. 

28th April, received at Adoration,  
The Shrine of Our Lady – The Virgin of The Poor, Banneux

The Gospel Reading – John 15:1-8
The LORD says,

“My beloved people: I AM the Vine and you are the branches; if you cut away from Me you will have nothing! For that reason, I want you to remain in Me. In so doing, I will remain in you. If you remain in Me, you will bear fruit in plenty because I will give anything you ask for, in sincere prayers. Your life will become fruitful; you will be filled with My Wisdom to do good and your heart will be filled with joy! My everlasting joy! You shall never be afraid because, as you remain in Me, My strength is in you to do good deeds. And thus, you are pleasing Me! You shall build up My Kingdom on Earth on the solid ground – on the Rock! I shall make you mine. Be firm in your faith, and always stay calm in times of troubles. For I, Your LORD, I am with you always...till the end of time. Listen then, if you have ears: return to Me... to Your JESUS, Your God. Love Me and stay with Me at all times (at any condition and in any situation). Stay awake and pray at all times! Keep Me in your company. Remain in Me and I will remain in you, My Beloveds. Do not wait! Come and see the beauty that I will give you. Trust in Me, your JESUS. Thank you for having listened to My call. I bless you.”  +  Amen.   

Sunday Mass: Today’s Gospel Acclamation (John 15:4-5) and the Communion Antiphon do answer the word of God above. 

Gospel Acclamation (John 15:4-5)

Alleluia, alleluia!  
Make your home in Me, as I make Mine in you.
Whoever remains in Me, bears fruit in plenty.

Communion Antiphon

I am the Vine and you are the branches, says the LORD; he who lives in Me, and I in him, will bear much fruit, alleluia!

The Messages of God in March 2024

6th March, received at Adoration,  
The Shrine of Our Lady – The Virgin of The Poor, Banneux

(The 3rd Week of Lent)

The 1st Reading – Deuteronomy 4:1. 5-9; The Gospel Reading – Matthew 5:17-19
The LORD says,

“My dear children: Behold! For I will continue to make all things new...: New Heaven and new world. And, I will be your King, forever. You will obey My Commandments, and you will have all you need; the joy that you will have, is everlasting! Come then, My dear children! Listen to My call to repentance; come and give Me your heart. And I, your Saviour, will give you all the love and peace within you. But, believe in Me and trust Me – I am your SAVIOUR. Do you believe? Do you trust? I am waiting for your answer... My little ones, do not be late to come back to Me: surrender your “self” and follow Me! Taste and see! That I am your LORD, your God – I AM Good, I AM Holy and I AM Mercy. I bless you.”     Amen!  

Wednesday Mass: Today’s Gospel Acclamation (John 6:63. 68) does answer the word of God above.

Gospel Acclamation (John 6:63. 68)

Glory to You, O Christ, You are the Word of God! 
Your words are Spirit, LORD, and they are life; You have the message of eternal life.  
Glory to You, O Christ, You are the Word of God! 

Communion Antiphon

LORD, You will show me the path of life and fill me with joy in your presence.

15th March, received at Adoration,  
The Shrine of Our Lady – The Virgin of The Poor, Banneux

(The 4rd Week of Lent)

The 1st Reading – Wisdom 2:1. 12-22; The Gospel Reading – John 7:1-2. 10. 25-30
The LORD says,

“My dear little ones: softly and tenderly, I come to you. I come to you, to bring you... Faith, Hope and Charity (Love). Those who listen to My call and return to Me, shall be saved, as I will be their Good Shepherd. Those who refuse to follow Me and to listen to My call of conversion and repentance, they can no longer see who I AM and My Kingdom.... Away from Me! You proud-hearted! Come to Me, those who are broken-hearted and humble yourself before Me, and I shall relieve your pain and save you from your foes. Take up your cross and follow Me until the end. I love you... Thank you for having responded to My call. I bless you.”  +      (God blessed in Latin)     Amen!  

Friday Mass: Today’s Psalm (Ps 33:16. 19-21. R/v. 19) does answer the word of God above.

Psalm (Ps 33:16. 19-21. R/v. 19)

R/ The LORD is close to the broken-hearted. 

The LORD turns His face against the wicked to destroy their remembrance from the earth.  
The just call and the LORD hears and rescues them in all their distress

The LORD is close to the broken-hearted; those whose spirit is crushed He will save
Many are the trials of the just man, but from them all LORD will rescue Him. 

25th March, received at Adoration,  
The Shrine of Our Lady – The Virgin of The Poor, Banneux

(The 1st Week of Passion – Holy Week)

The Gospel Reading – John 12:1-11
The LORD says,

“Today, during this Holy Week, all My children, listen to Me: Come close to Me... to My (Sacred) Heart; come and adore Me. Give Me your heart, and I will give you Mine. What is more precious in your life, rather than to give your time to Me and to be with Me, to adore Me... who is your God, your Life, your Light and your Help?  Without Me, you shall not have My grace, and without My grace your life is empty, deserted, unloved, cold, sick and handicapped. Hence, I AM JESUS – the Living Water, which I shall give to those who ask from Me. I shall give you all you need to live on, so that you can walk again (be healed again) from your infirmities. I shall rise you up from the death (spiritual death). This is the moment... to devour (to accept) My suffering with you, with love and humility, and with prayers. Therefore, My little children, come close to Me to My heart and adore Me, love Me and be with Me throughout this week – the Week of My Love and Mercy pouring out to you...so that you may have life in full. Do you understand? Do you love Me? And, do you trust in Me? If you do, listen then, and you shall see the goodness that I shall give you. PEACE be with you. May My PEACE live with you and in you. I bless you.”  +     (God blessed in Latin)   Amen!  

Monday Mass: Today’s Psalm (Ps 26:1. 14.) and the Gospel Acclamation do answer the word of God above.

Psalm (Ps 26:1. 14.)

R/ The LORD is my Light and my Help

The LORD is my Light and my help; whom shall, I fear? 
The LORD is the stronghold of my life; before whom shall I shrink? 

I am sure I shall see the LORD’s goodness in the land of the living
Hope in Him, hold firm and take heart! Hope in the LORD!

Gospel Acclamation 

Praise and honour to You, LORD Jesus!  
You alone have had compassion on our sins.
Praise and honour to You, LORD Jesus!  

The Message of God in February 2024

21st February, received at Adoration,  
The Shrine of Our Lady – The Virgin of The Poor, Banneux

(The 1st Week of Lent)

The 1st Reading – Jonah 3:1-10
The LORD says,

“My dear people! Listen to My call to conversion and repentance! It is high time now that you are to amend your “selves”: your wicked behaviours, thoughts and deeds! And, seek for My Mercy. Do you believe that I can forgive you? Come to Me, My people! Remain in Me; do not turn away from Me. I shall not tolerate your wickedness, but listen to My call to repentance! Did you hear Me? If you did...and you did what I told you to do, I bless you and keep you in My heart... you shall remain in Me. If you refuse My call to holiness, then you shall deserve your punishment. My people, My dear ones, listen then if you have ears. Do not offend Me; love Me, your LORD and your God. Thank you for having listened to My call. I bless you.”       Amen!  

Wednesday Mass: Today’s Gospel Acclamation (Joel 2:12-13) does answer the word of God above.

Gospel Acclamation (Joel 2:12-13)

Glory and praise to You, O Christ! 
Now, now – it is the LORD who speaks – come back to Me with all your heart, 
for I am all tenderness and compassion.  
Glory and praise to You, O Christ! 

The Messages of God in January 2024

4nd January, received at Adoration,
The Shrine of Our Lady – The Virgin of The Poor, Banneux

The Gospel Reading – John 1:35-42
The LORD says,

“My beloved people: Listen to Me, Your Saviour. Behold! I will make everything new. The Day will come when everything I will make new and holy. And, you will never again feel sad and confused. I will be your good shepherd in your Church, My dear Catholic Church, I will give you a good man (His Son, Jesus) who will guard My flock with love, compassion, and with humility and justice! I bless him, and he will listen to my call to holiness. Be at peace (individual) and be in peace (in a community). Thank you for having listened to My call to prayers and peace. I bless you!”  

Thursday Mass: Today’s Psalm (Ps 97:9. R/ v.3) and Gospel Acclamation (Hebrew 1:1-2) do answer the word of God above.

Psalm (Ps 97:9. R/ v.3)

R/ All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God. 

For the LORD comes, He comes to rule the earth. 
He will rule the world with justice and the peoples with fairness. 

Gospel Acclamation (Hebrew 1:1-2)

Alleluia, alleluia.
At various times in the past, and in various different ways, 
God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets; 
But in our time, the last days, He has spoken to us through His Son.

25th January, received at Adoration,
The Shrine of Our Lady – The Virgin of The Poor, Banneux

(The Feast: The Conversion of St. Paul, Apostle)

The 1st Reading – Acts 22:3-16; The Gospel Reading – Mark 16:15-18
The LORD says,

“My dear people! I love you, and I want you to come back to Me; it is time to decide now, whether you follow Me or you leave Me. I AM JESUS, the Son of the Living God. Like St. Paul, My beloved apostle, I call you to conversion. Turn your regard towards Me, your God and your Saviour. I have been waiting for you for a long time, My dear children, because you do not listen to My call to conversion. I am saddened.  Do you love Me? If you do, come and see the beauty of My love for you, and trust in My Mercy! Thank you for having listened to My call to conversion. I bless you, + and I keep you in My (Sacred) Heart.”         Amen.  

Thursday Mass: Today’s Psalm (Ps 116:2) and Entrance Antiphon (2 Tim 1:12; 4:8) do answer the word of God above.

Psalm (Ps 97:9. R/ v.3)

Strong is His love for us; He is faithful for ever. 

Entrance Antiphon

I know whom I have believed. I am sure that He, the just judge, will guard my pledge until the Day of Judgement. 

30th January, received at Adoration,  
The Shrine of Our Lady – The Virgin of The Poor, Banneux

The Gospel Reading – Mark 5:21-43
The LORD says,

“SEEK deeply My Kingdom, My beloved people, because here...you can find all the treasures, that help you to live righteously and in holiness. Ask anything in My Name – JESUS, and I will give you what you need according to My will. I resuscitate the dead girl (see Mark 5:21-43), for I am the Resurrection and the Life! Do you believe? Do you believe I can do all things? Your faith, only your faith can make it through... Do you have faith in Me, My beloved? If you do not have faith in Me, then you can no longer see My Glory! My Glory is close to you, as My Kingdom is in you, in your heart, and amongst you – yet, if you do not have faith in Me, you do not believe in Me. And thus, you do not believe in My power to raise the dead to life either. My beloved ones, do not look at mere human way, but look at Me, your JESUS, your Saviour, your Life and your Truth, forever. Pray and seek the treasures in My Kingdom without cease; seek Me till you find Me, and thus, your heart will be filled with all you need, and that may your heart be at rest (peace). Come and adore Me... in silence, listen to Me, obey Me and love Me profoundly. Thank you for having listened to My call. Pax semper vobiscum! (Translated from Latin: Peace be with you always!)  Amen!  

Tuesday Mass: Today’s Gospel Acclamation (Matthew 8:17) does answer the word of God above.

Gospel Acclamation (Matthew 8:17)

Alleluia, alleluia.
HE took our sicknesses away, and carried our diseases for us. 

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