GOD's WORD in 2022
The Lord guided me to reading the Scriptures of that day before addressing His message(s) to me.
The Messages of God in December 2022
5th December, received at Adoration,
The Shrine Chapel of the Old Good God, Tancrémont
The Gospel Reading – Luke 5:17-26
The LORD says,
“My little children, I want you to know the importance of life is, “loving others, your neighbours and yourself.” Be good at all situations, and continue to persevere to carry your cross and follow Me. I bless you.” + Amen.
Monday Mass: Today’s Gospel Acclamation does answer the word of God above.
Gospel Acclamation
Alleluia, alleluia.
See, the King, the LORD of the world, will come.
He will free us from the yoke of our bondage.
8th December, received at Adoration,
The Shrine of Our Lady – The Virgin of The Poor, Banneux
(The Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary)
The 2nd Reading – Ephesians 1:3-6, 11-12
The LORD, The Father says,
“My dear children: Listen to your Father; listen to Me, the Voice of your Father... Open your heart to receive My grace; My grace of joy, hope, love and peace. I have made you for heaven; I am your Father who loves you, and I want you to return to Me where I live forever. Hence, My little children, listen to My Voice towards conversion and repentance, and seek goodness (holiness) so that you may know that I am your God, you Creator, your Saviour. The more you seek Me, the more I come to you and listen to your needs (prayers), and that I shall live in you (in your heart), and you shall live in My Presence every day. You see, My dear little children, I can never abandon you... I am with you, till you find Me profoundly in your heart (life). I look after you and awaiting you return to Me. I love you. Listen then if you have ears. I bless you.” + Amen.
The Gospel Reading – Luke 1:26-38
The LORD, Jesus Christ says,
“My Mother, Mary, is your Mother – honour Her. Love Her by doing a devotion to Her in your prayers. My dear people, listen to the instruction (message) of My mother that She has given to My chosen people (visionaries, prophets,...); She will help you in troubles and pain, because She had gone through all that with Me. My mother loves you and cares for your soul (individual soul); bear with Her and take Her in your arms each time you pray the Rosary. My Mother, will pray for you and bless you, and She will carry you and bring you to Me. She always prays for you; you too, do the same with her. She pleads Me that your soul will be saved, and I, your JESUS, will come and save you. My dear people, take time to pray with My Mother, with a contrite heart. Humble yourself before Me, and I will overshadow you with My love and bless you. Thank you for having listened to My call. I bless you.” + Amen.
Thursday Mass: Today’s Gospel Acclamation (Luke 1:28) and Communion Antiphon do answer the word of God above.
Gospel Acclamation (Luke 1:26-38)
Alleluia, alleluia.
Hail, Mary, full of grace; the LORD is with thee! Blessed art thou among women.
Communion Antiphon
All honour to you, Mary! From you arose the sun of justice, Christ our God.
21st December, received at Adoration,
The Shrine of Our Lady – The Virgin of The Poor, Banneux
(The Fourth Week of Advent)
The Gospel Reading – Luke 1:39-45
The LORD says,
“My dear people: The Day that I was born, is the day that I came to save you. My Mother and I, we went through all our journey together until the Calvary. My Mother suffered so much...as much as I did. For this reason, honour Her and love Her, as much as you love Me, your JESUS. My dear people: I came as a little child (infant) in the manger – come and adore Me, your LORD and your GOD... I need your sincere adoration, in which you pour out your love to Me, and abandon all your “self” to Me. If you do so, I will give you My blessing..., and that you will continue your journey with confidence. I will guide you towards Heaven. Follow Me... follow the Star of Bethlehem; My Father... and I, will be with you always until you find your home with us, in Heaven. My Mother – I give you, My Mother; She too, will help you in your journey towards Salvation... towards Me. Be with Her all the time, in prayers and in your every day’s activities. Where My Mother is, I Am there, too. My dear people: Listen then if you have ears. I bless you. + My Peace remains in you...” Amen.
Wednesday Mass: Today’s Entrance Antiphon and the Gospel Acclamation do answer the word of God above.
Entrance Antiphon
Soon the LORD God will come, and you will call Him Emmanuel, for God is with us.
Gospel Acclamation
Alleluia, alleluia.
Emmanuel, our King and Lawgiver, come and save us, LORD our God.
The Messages of God in November 2022
7th November, received at Adoration,
The Shrine Chapel of the Old Good God, Tancrémont
The Gospel Reading – Luke 17:1-6
The LORD says,
“My dear people: Do not search so far away for life – I AM the LIFE! I AM the Gateway to Heaven. Hence, return to Me, and give Me your heart... If you listen to My call to conversion, you will surely find life in Me. I will forgive your iniquity, and I will make you mine. My dear little children: You are precious in My eyes; so, I will not let you be lost. Come! Adore Me! Love Me... Do not be afraid to come close to Me..., for I am GOD of Love! Tender and meek... If you surrender your life to Me, I will give you My Peace. Therefore, come and have faith in Me. Thank you... I bless you.” + Amen.
Monday Mass: Today’s Gospel Acclamation (Phil 2:15-16) does answer the word of God above.
Gospel Acclamation (Phil 2:15-16)
Alleluia, alleluia.
You will shine in the world like bright stars because you are offering it the Word of Life.
14th November, received at Adoration,
The Shrine Chapel of the Old Good God, Tancrémont
The Gospel Reading – Luke 18:35-43
The LORD says,
“My dear people: I AM the Light of the world! Those who walk with Me, shall walk in this Light, because I am your Light for your life, and you will not walk in the darkness any longer. I shall be your Guide to live in the virtues, every day. You shall never be afraid of what have happened in the world since. My dear little children: Be near Me at all times. I love you immensely, and I shall bring you close to My Sacred Heart. I shall protect you from your foes, and that you will praise Me. Taste and see that I am good – your LORD, your GOD and SAVIOUR. I bless you.” + Amen.
Monday Mass: Today’s Gospel Acclamation (John 8:12) does answer the word of God above.
Gospel Acclamation (John 8:12)
Alleluia, alleluia.
I am the Light of the world, says the LORD,
Anyone who follows Me will have the Light of life.
The Messages of God in October 2022
3rd October, received at Adoration,
The Shrine Chapel of the Old Good God, Tancrémont
The 1st Reading – Galatians 1:6-12; The Gospel Reading – Luke 10:25-37
The LORD says,
“My little ones: I chose you from the beginning (of His Creation), to be My creations that I love. I am the Father of love, your Father, “Abba!” If you love Me, I suggest that you too, love one another as I have loved you. Be strong in your faith in Me. If you failed to do so, do not worry. But persevere in the prayer, I am with you always till the end of times. Do you believe in what I am saying to you here? If so, I bless you.” + Amen.
Monday Mass: Today’s Gospel Acclamation (John 13:34) does answer the word of God above.
Gospel Acclamation (John 13:34)
Alleluia, alleluia.
I give you a new commandment:
love one another just as I have loved you, says the LORD.
12th October, received at Adoration,
The Shrine of Our Lady – The Virgin of The Poor, Banneux
The Gospel Reading – Luke 14:42-46
The LORD says,
“My dear people! Listen to My Voice of calling you to repentance! What have you done to Me!? You have broken My Heart, and so have My Mother’s – your Mother’s Heart, Mary. Time is short! Do not wait until the end of your life... My dear children, open your hearts to My grace and learn from Me, for I am teaching you on the right path. Renounce your self-indulgence, pick up your cross and follow Me. Be strong and be steadfast! For I am with you now and forever. Will you follow Me? I bless you. + : In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Amen.
Wednesday Mass: Today’s Gospel Acclamation (John 10:27) does answer the word of God above.
Gospel Acclamation (John 10:27)
Alleluia, alleluia.
The sheep that belong to Me, listen to My Voice, says the LORD,
I know them, and they follow Me.
The Messages of God in September 2022
7th September, received at Adoration,
The Shrine of Our Lady – The Virgin of The Poor, Banneux
The 1st Reading – 1 Corinthians 7:25-31; The Gospel Reading – Luke 6:20-26
The LORD says,
“My people: I love you. But do you love Me in return? If you love Me, you come to Me and ask Me for mercy, because you know that I am the Source of Life. Happy are those who listen to My call to conversion and repentance, for they will see the beauty of life that only, “I” can give! Alas, for those do not come to Me, and do not ask for My Mercy! For their pride has condemned their life already. Now, which is so important?: your faith in Me or your own freedom to live on yourself? These two scriptures today inform you the importance of life in Me... You go away from Me? You shall then have nothing to live on. As your life is in my hands. Your future is in my hands. All you need, I know it... Hence, return to Me, love Me and adore Me, your LORD and your GOD... who loves you till the end (of your life). Listen then if you have ears! I give you My blessing: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” + Amen.
Wednesday Mass: Today’s Gospel Acclamation (Luke 6:23) does answer the word of God above.
Gospel Acclamation (Luke 6:23)
Alleluia, alleluia.
Rejoice and be glad: your reward will be great in heaven. (Note: If we listen to God.)
19th September, received at Adoration,
The Shrine Chapel of the Old Good God, Tancrémont
The Gospel Reading – Luke 8:16-18
The LORD says,
“I am the Light of the world! Those who come to Me, shall not live in the darkness because they have the Light in their heart, mind and soul. I am the Light that shines in the darkness, hence nothing is hidden from Man! For I am GOD, your Saviour; I know you better than you do. Do not hide your sins from Me. But, My dear children, come to Me – Repent! Love Me above all things. Trust in My Mercy... I love you now and forever. My dear little ones, your life will be in danger if you abandon Me... (Note: JESUS looks sad here.) Therefore, do not wait to respond to My call to conversion and repentance... and receive My Light which is My abundance grace that saves your life. Be near Me, and adore Me very often, My dear children. Come then...and do not be afraid, for I am waiting for you. I bless you.” + Amen.
Monday Mass: Today’s Gospel Acclamation (Matthew 5:16) does answer the word of God above.
Gospel Acclamation (Matthew 5:16)
Alleluia, alleluia.
Your Light must shine in the sight of men, so that, seeing your good works,
they may give the praise to your Father in heaven.
26th September, received at Adoration,
The Shrine Chapel of the Old Good God, Tancrémont
The Gospel Reading – Luke 9:46-50
The LORD says,
“My dear people, I speak to you with tenderness and with mercy... listen to Me: I give you time to reflect upon yourself, to focus the Mystery of My Passion; to recollect the history of your lives... and bring it to Me as an offering for your redemption. Humble yourself before Me; take up your cross and follow Me, now and forever... Listen then if you have ears! I shall be with you now and forever. Peace be with you!” Amen.
Monday Mass: Today’s Gospel Acclamation (Mark 10:45) does answer the word of God above.
Gospel Acclamation (Mark 10:45)
Alleluia, alleluia.
The Son of Man came to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many.
The Messages of God in August 2022
8th August, received at Adoration,
The Shrine Chapel of the Old Good God, Tancrémont
The 1st Reading – Ezekiel 1:2-5, 24-28; Gospel Reading – Matthew 17:22-27
The LORD says,
“I am the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world. Do you believe that I am the Son of the Living God? My people, My dear people: Listen! Amend yourselves... open your eyes to the Truth and the Truth will set you free. I am your Good Shepherd. Those who listen to My Voice, shall be saved because My grace is upon them. Listen! My dear people: I love you and I want you to be saved in My Heart, which is your only Refuge; together with My Mother, Mary, She will help you ...to lead you to Me. Pray! with Her and love Her. I bless you.” +
Monday Mass: Today’s Psalm 148:11 and Gospel Acclamation (2 Thess. 2:14) do answer the word of God above.
Psalm 148:11
R/ Your glory fills all heaven and earth.
Let them praise the Name of the LORD, for He alone is exalted.
The splendour of His Name, reaches beyond heaven and earth.
Gospel Acclamation (2 Thess. 2: 14)
Alleluia, alleluia.
Through the Good News, God called us to share the glory of our LORD Jesus Christ.
17th August, received at Adoration,
The Shrine of Our Lady – The Virgin of The Poor, Banneux
The 1st Reading – Ezekiel 34:1-11; Gospel Reading – Matthew 20:1-16
The LORD says,
“My dear people: Listen! I come to you so that you may have life... life in full. What does it mean here? It means that when you know Me you Saviour, and serve Me with your heart, I will bless you with all goodness: faith, hope and Charity. And, above all of these...is Charity. If you love Me, you serve Me with great love and generosity. Humble yourselves before Me... and I will bless you with more graces that you need. Hence, be aware of pride! My dear little ones, I shall see how you serve Me now (daily)... till the end. This too reflects on how you serve your brothers and sisters (both the poor and the rich). Be happy with what you have from Me, do not grumble! Instead, show Me that you love Me through the work of charity...amongst you. I bless you. + Thank you for having listened to my commands.” Amen.
Wednesday Mass: Today’s Psalm 22 does answer the word of God above.
Psalm 22
R/ The LORD is my Shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.
He guides me along the right path; He is true to His Name.
If I should walk in the valley of darkness, no evil would I fear.
You are there with your crook and your staff; with these you give me comfort.
Surely goodness and kindness shall follow me all the days of my life.
In the LORD’s own house shall I dwell for ever and ever.
22nd August, received at Adoration,
The Shrine Chapel of the Old Good God, Tancrémont
(The Queenship of Mary)
The Gospel Reading – Luke 1:26-38
The Blessed Mother Mary says,
“My dear children: I am your Mother; I am your Queen of Heaven and on Earth. I lived among the people on earth 2000 years ago... yet, God called me to be His handmaid, and my mission is to bring my little Jesus, your Saviour, to you – to the world, so that in Him alone you may have eternal life. My dear children: come and adore, and love my Son at the Blessed Sacrament as often as possible. Be with Him at the Holy Sacrifice. Receive Him with love and adoration. I will lead you to Him, and thus you will walk with Him for eternity. I bless you with my Motherhood blessing.” + “Thank you for having listened to my call.” Amen.
Monday Mass: Today’s Gospel Acclamation (Luke 1:28) does answer the word of God above.
Gospel Acclamation (Luke 1:28)
Alleluia, alleluia.
Hail, Mary, full of grace, the LORD is with thee! Blessed art thou amongst women.
24th August, received at Adoration,
The Shrine of Our Lady – The Virgin of The Poor, Banneux
(Feast of Saint Bartholomew, Apostle)
The Gospel Reading – John 1:45-51
The LORD says,
“My beloved children: I know you, before you were born... because I Am your Creator, Your LORD, your God! Do you believe? My little ones: turn to Me with a contrite heart, and humble yourselves. Hence, I can come to you and listen to your very prayers: ASK, and you shall be given; KNOCK, and the Door (of Heaven) will open to you... to let My grace flows out to you to help your needs; SEEK, seek earnestly... seek Me, and you shall find – like Nathanael, he found Me, because he seeks Me earnestly. My children: There is no greater Commandment than to love Me, and to love your neighbours. That is... to do what is good... with a good heart!... May My Peace lives within you, now and forever. Pray, pray with thanksgiving to Me. Thank you for having listened to My call. bless you!” + Amen.
Wednesday Mass: Today’s Psalm 144: 18 R/cf. v.12 does answer the word of God above.
Psalm 144: 18 R/cf. v.12
R/ Your friends, O LORD, make known the glorious splendour of your reign.
The LORD is just in all His ways and loving in all His deeds.
He is close to all who call Him, who call on Him from their hearts.
The Messages of God in July 2022
4th July, received at Adoration
The Shrine Chapel of the Old Good God, Tancrémont
The Gospel Reading – Matthew 9:18-26
The LORD says,
“Listen! My people! I am your LORD, your GOD. You belong to Me as I have created you. You must not adore another god than Me. I betrothed You, and I love you... you are mine. My dear little ones: Listen to Me, your Father. Do not turn away from Me. For I am the Source for all your life. For without Me, you are just an empty gong! Listen then! If you have ears. I bless you.” +
Monday Mass: Today’s Psalm 144: 8-9 does answer the word of God above.
Psalm 144: 8-9
R/ The LORD is kind and full of compassion.
The LORD is kind and full of compassion, slow to anger, abounding in love.
How good is the LORD to all, compassionate to all His creatures.
6th July, received at Adoration
The Shrine Chapel of the Old Good God, Tancrémont
(Annual Adoration Day)
The 1st Reading – Hosea 10:1-3. 7-8. 12; Gospel Reading – Matthew 10:1-7
The LORD says,
“SEEK first My Kingdom and its righteousness, and then all will be given unto you when you ask for with faith. Oh, SEEK Me first, My children... Seek Me with all you heart, with all you might (strength) and with all your mind. LOVE Me the first, and Trust Me! But, where do you go to now? I have been calling you from Above (Heaven), to search Me and to find Me till you see Me (in your heart). My dear little ones, when you know who I really Am, you will burst into tears! And you will surrender all (of you) to Me, and follow Me... My Footpath. Are you aware of My calling? COME, FOLLOW Me; speak about Me to others...the Good News I have given you. Be My witness of My love to all unbelievers. Once you have got one of My lost sheep – I will give you a reward; My blessing is upon you. Thank you for having responded to My call.”
Wednesday Mass: Today’s Psalm 104:3-4. 7 and Gospel Acclamation (Mark 1:15) do answer the word of God above.
Psalm 104:3-4. 7
R/ Constantly seek the Face of the LORD.
Be proud of His holy Name, let the hearts that seek the LORD rejoice.
Consider the LORD and His strength; constantly seek His face.
He, the LORD, is our God: His judgements prevail in all the earth.
Gospel Acclamation (Mark 1:15)
Alleluia, alleluia.
The Kingdom of God is close at hand, repent and believe the Good News.
18th July, received at Adoration
The Shrine Chapel of the Old Good God, Tancrémont
The Gospel Reading – Matthew 12:38-42
The LORD says,
“My dear people: Listen! I am your LORD, your God. REPENT! Turn to Me and, if you listen to My very call, I promise you eternal life. Listen then, if you have ears! I bless you.” +
Monday Mass: Today’s Gospel Acclamation (Psalm 94:8) does answer the word of God above.
Gospel Acclamation (Psalm 94:8)
Alleluia, alleluia.
Harden not your hearts today, but listen to the Voice of the LORD.
25th July, received at Adoration,
The Shrine Chapel of the Old Good God, Tancrémont
(The Feast of Saint James, Apostle)
The Gospel Reading – Matthew 20:20-28
The LORD says,
“My dear people: Listen! Which is more important? Your life or your life in Me? Will you love and trust Me? your LORD, and your God. Will you drink the cup of My love (the Blood and Water) that flows down from my Heart? If so, then your life will be full of My blessings... Never again, you will be alone and you will have all what you need, because My Peace is enough and My Presence in you (in your life) fills you with everlasting JOY! COME, My dear ones; come to Me, for I am good and humble in Heart... Your JESUS.”
Monday Mass: Today’s Communion Antiphon does answer the word of God above.
Communion Antiphon
By sharing the cup of the LORD’s suffering, they became the friends of God.
The Messages of God in June 2022
13th June, received at Adoration,
The Shrine Chapel of the Old Good God, Tancrémont
The 1st Reading – King 21:1-16; The Gospel Reading – Matthew 5:38-42
The LORD says,
“My dear people: My Heart is opened wide for you; it is for My love that flows into the hearts of those who welcome My Presence in them. I said to you: Be good to those who persecuted you, bless them and pray for them. My grace that flows upon you is enough... to help you to continue to love... without limit. Can you do that without My grace? The grace that I give you, is the Blood and Water that gush out from My Heart... for you, and for all humanity. It is through My love that I give you, from which enables you to love your enemies. And, through this grace, it will wash them and cleanse them, so that My love will unite you with your enemies, and thus you are no longer be enemies, but friends. All I want is... the peace, My Peace is to be with you, and that My Love is to reign in your hearts... My dear people: Listen then, if you have ears. Love one another, as I have loved you. PEACE be with you.”
Monday Mass: Today’s Gospel Acclamation (Psalm 118: 105) does answer the word of God above.
Gospel Acclamation (Psalm 118: 105)
Alleluia, alleluia.
YOUR Word is a lamp for my steps and a light for my path.
25th June, received at Adoration,
The Shrine of Our Lady – The Virgin of The Poor, Banneux
(The Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary)
The 1st Reading – Lamentation 2:2, 10-14, 18-19; The Gospel Reading – Matthew 8:5-17
On this feast day for Our Mother Mary, I asked the LORD for special request: I asked the LORD if HE would let Mother Mary speak to me, and that to address me His message through Her. The LORD granted my request. Below is the message of Mother Mary for the world.
Mother Mary says,
“My dear children: I am your Mother, and I love you. Come close to My Immaculate heart and pray with Me. My Son is close to you, too, as My son and I are in One Heart.”
I replied to Her: “My dear Mother Mary, I come to you today, in honour you, and to pray with you. Please give my love to your Little JESUS. I love you.”
Mother Mary continued...
“My dear children, in honouring My Immaculate Heart, you also honour and be reverent to the Sacred Heart of My Son, JESUS. Do you have more time to adore Him at the Blessed Sacrament exposed to you? My Son is there, day and night; but I see...only a few souls are truly seeking the help from My Son. Where are the rests? My Heart is in pain, as many souls are lost. My beloveds: Listen to My call to conversion; return to My Son and beg for His Mercy! Do not wait any longer. Time is short... And, I do not want to see My dear children are losing their souls! Be near to Me, My children, I am your Refuge (in Her and His Son’s Hearts), I keep you save in My Immaculate Heart. Pray with Me EARNESTLY (She emphasised here) with love... I will help you know My Son better, and sooner or later you will love Him more... and bear witness His Glory to others (unbelievers). My children, bend your knees and pray the Rosary every day, and give thanks to GOD for all His love and goodness for you and for all who love HIM. Thank you for having listened to My call. I bless you with My Maternal Blessing: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” +
(I responded: “Thank you Mother Mary!”)
She continued...
“May the Peace of the LORD, be with you always...”
(I praised the LORD: “AMEN! ALLELUIA!”)
On the next day (26/06/2022), I asked the LORD JESUS about what word of the Gospel and of the other Scriptures of yesterday that He wants to address me most, and that reflects the message of Mother Mary, yesterday, that touched me most. The LORD answered me:
“That I am your GOD, your Good Shepherd, humble and meek; I am your Refuge. And whoever follows Me, I keep you in My Heart and you shall be saved. TRUST in My Mercy (HE emphasised here) and I will protect you.”
It was Saturday Adoration, in line with the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary: Today’s Gospel Reading (Matthew 8: 13) does answer the word of God above.
Gospel Acclamation (Matthew 8: 13)
Then JESUS said to the officer, “Go home, and what you believe will be done for you.”
And the officer’s servant was healed that very moment.
(My comment: JESUS is indeed the God of Mercy, our Good Shepherd, humble and meek. And thus, His Mercy is shown to the officer’s and his servant; JESUS healed the officer’s servant because of the officer’s faith in HIM.)
The Messages of God in May 2022
9th May, received at Adoration,
The Shrine Chapel of the Old Good God, Tancrémont
The Gospel Reading – John 10:1-10
The LORD says,
“My dear people: I am the Good Shepherd, listen to Me. Follow Me and listen to My Voice... I am close to you every day; take time to listen to My Voice in silence – silent prayers. I have a word for each of you. I love you and I want to show you the way to Eternal Life: I am the Life; I want to show you the way to My Father, your Father - I am the Way. And, I want to show you the Truth – as I AM, the Truth. Bear with Me, My little children, and I will show you the salvation. Are you ready? I am waiting for you... for your response. I bless you.” + Amen!
Monday Mass: Today’s Psalm (Ps 42:3-4. R/cf. Ps 41:3) and Gospel Acclamation (Jn 10:14) do answer the word of God above.
Psalm (Ps 42:3-4. R/cf. Ps 41:3)
R/ My soul is thirsting for God, the God of my life.
O send forth Your light and Your truth; let these be my guide.
Let them bring me to your holy mountain to the place where you dwell.
And I will come to the altar of God, the God of my joy.
My redeemer, I will thank you on the harp, O God, my God.
Gospel Acclamation (Jn 10:14)
Alleluia, alleluia.
I am the Good Shepherd, says the LORD, I know my sheep and my own know Me.
16th May, received at Adoration,
The Shrine Chapel of the Old Good God, Tancrémont
The Gospel Reading – John 14:21-26
The LORD says,
“My dear children: I have been with you since the very beginning creation of this world. I formed the world and all in it. My Spirit lives with you, My dear people; I am with you now and for ever! Therefore, search Me in your heart; call Me, “Abba, Father!” I AM your Father, Who loves you. And, I will never abandon you. Now, I have given you My Son – My beloved Son, so that through Him, your sins are redeemed...through His sacrifice on the Cross and His Passion. My dear children: love My beloved Son; He is for you, for your salvation. Adore Him and be with Him at the Blessed Sacrament; stay with Him as often as possible. If you love Him, you love Me as well, your loving Father. I give you My Spirit to guide your life towards purity, humility, charity, and to be armed with all the virtues, so that you can live in holiness. Oh...My dear little ones: Behold! for I will make all things new in you, only if you could love me and believe, that I am your One and only True God – The Holy Trinity: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. COME, and adore Me! I bless you.” + Amen!
(Note: I asked God the Father why He did say, “Ghost” instead of “Spirit”. He responded, “Because I am a Person; a Holy Person – I am GOD.”)
Monday Mass: Today’s Psalm (Ps 42:3-4. R/cf. Ps 41:3) and Gospel Acclamation (Jn 14:26) do answer the word of God above.
Psalm (Ps 113B:16. R/ v.1)
R/ Not to us, LORD, but to your name give the glory.
May you be blessed by the LORD, the maker of heaven and earth.
The heavens belong to the LORD but the earth He has given to men.
Gospel Acclamation (Jn 14:26)
Alleluia, alleluia.
The Holy Spirit will teach you everything and remind you of all I have said to you.
23rd May, received at Adoration,
The Shrine Chapel of the Old Good God, Tancrémont
The 1st Reading – Acts 16:11-15; The Gospel Reading – John 15:26-16:4
The LORD says,
“My dear little ones: Be aware of My presence every day in you and with others; My Spirit is with those who love Me, because I am God... GOD of LOVE. If you love one another, My Spirit of Truth live in you and with you, forever.... Hence, be aware of My Presence every day. But you have to see which spirit is true and leads you to salvation. Be careful though... because if you are not careful, you will be trapped by the spirit of this world (i.e., the spirit of darkness). Do not be afraid, pray at all time and stay in silence in front of My Altar... Adore and love Me during your prayer... so that My Spirit of Truth will teach you all what is good for your soul. I will be with you until the end of time (i.e., the end of your life on Earth). PEACE be with you.” Amen!
Monday Mass: Today’s Gospel Acclamation (John 15: 26-27) does answer the word of God above.
Gospel Acclamation (John 15: 26-27)
Alleluia, alleluia.
The Spirit of Truth will be My witness; and you too will be witnesses, says the LORD.
The Messages of God in April 2022
11th April, received at Adoration,
The Shrine Chapel of the Old Good God, Tancrémont
(HOLY WEEK – Holy Monday)
The 1st Reading – Isaiah 42:1-7; The Gospel Reading – Jean 12:1-11
The LORD says,
“Do not worry about tomorrow, I am your Saviour; I come to heal you, to purify you, to cleanse you and to make you mine. My beloved people: My Passion is drawing near, I need you to be closed to Me, to adore Me, to love Me, to keep Me in your company, if possible – day and night. My dear ones, do not spend your time with frivolous things, but be prepared for My coming (to your life). I bless you +: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” Amen!
Wednesday Mass: Today’s Psalm (Ps 26:14. R/ v.1) and Gospel Acclamation do answer the word of God above:
Psalm (Ps 26:14. R/ v.1)
R/ The LORD is my Light and my Help.
I am sure I shall see the LORD’s goodness in the land of the Living.
Hope in Him, hold firm and take heart. Hope in the LORD.
Gospel Acclamation
Glory and honour to you, LORD Jesus!
Hail to you, our King!
You alone have had compassion on our sins.
Praise and honour to You, LORD Jesus!
18th April, received at Adoration,
The Shrine of Our Lady – The Virgin of The Poor, Banneux
(OCTAVE OF EASTER – Easter Monday)
The 1st Reading – Acts 2:14, 22-33; The Gospel Reading – Matthew 28:8-15
The LORD says,
“I am the Resurrection and the Life; I am JESUS, who was crucified, died and was buried. And on the third day I rose again. I have overcome all the darkness of this world. I am alive and am seated at My Father’s and your Father’s right hand. I had come to meet My disciple and had instructed them from the outset, that I would rise again, and now I am with them (His disciples in Heaven) and with you (on earth), forever. Do you believe in my resurrection? Do you believe that all I had done for you, because I love you? And do you love Me? When can I see you, My children, come and adore Me and love Me? I invite you to take your time in prayers every day. Be with me, your Saviour, who loves you. My Beloved, it is time now to seek this Truth (re: Resurrection) within your silent prayers and through My words gained by you from the Holy Scripture. Pray by invoking My (Holy) Spirit of Love and Mercy into your heart. Thus, you will be able to see “Who I am”: I AM THE RESURRECTION and the LIFE, no one can come to My Father, except through Me. Do you believe in My Word? If you do, take up your cross then, and follow Me, with TRUST in My Mercy. I bless you, + and I pour out (the grace) of my Peace upon you and your neighbours (family, friends, etc.). PEACE be with you.” Amen!
Monday Mass: Today’s Psalm (Ps 15:11. R/ v.1) and Communion Antiphon do answer the word of God above:
Psalm (Ps 15:11. R/ v.1)
R/Preserve me, LORD, I take refuge in You.
You will show me the path of life,
the fullness of joy in your presence,
At Your right hand happiness for ever.
Communion Antiphon
Christ now raised from the dead will never die again; death no longer has power over Him, alleluia.
25th April, received at Adoration
The Shrine Chapel of the Old Good God, Tancrémont
(The Feast of Saint Mark, Evangelist)
The 1st Reading – 1 Peter 5:5-14; The Gospel Reading – Mark 16:15-20
The LORD says,
“My dear people: LOOK at one another... with Mercy and Love; you must not critique and judge (intentionally to start a row), as I Am the only Judge. Listen to the teaching of My disciples and apostles. Test what is righteous and fix your eyes on Me, your Saviour. And, do not worry (be anxious) about what will happen in your life today and tomorrow. Keep My word, and bear witness to My Resurrection to everyone. For those who believe in Me, they shall be saved through My body and blood that I redeemed on the Cross. Taste and see, that I am a Good LORD. Peace be with you!” Amen!
Monday Mass: Today’s Gospel Acclamation (Cor. 1:23-24) does answer the word of God above.
Gospel Acclamation (Cor. 1:23-24)
Alleluia, alleluia.
We are preaching a crucified Christ, who is power and wisdom of God.
The Messages of God in March 2022
7th March, received at Adoration,
The Shrine Chapel of the Old Good God, Tancrémont
The 1st Reading – Leviticus 19: 1-2. 11-18; the Gospel Reading – Matthew 25:31-46
The LORD says,
“Listen My dear people: Obey My Commandments and walk in the righteous path. I am your God, and I am Holy. My people, listen to My decree that teaches you towards Salvation. Where would you like to go to, if not through Me, your Saviour? Be still, and know that I am Your GOD. You could not find Me, without spending your time in silence. My dear little ones, I am close to you every day... Search Me, in your heart; REPENT, and walk in the righteous path... Listen then, if you have ears! I bless you +: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” Amen!
Monday Mass: Today’s Psalm (Ps 18:8-10. R/ 6:64) and Gospel Acclamation do answer the word of God above:
Psalm (Ps 18:8-10. R/ Jn 6:64)
R/ Your Words are spirit, LORD, and they are life.
The law of the LORD is perfect; it revives the soul.
The rule of the LORD is to be trusted; it gives wisdom to the simple.
The precepts of the LORD are right; they gladden the heart.
The command of the LORD is clear; it gives light to the eyes.
The fear of the LORD is holy, abiding for ever.
The decrees of the LORD are truth and all of them just.
Gospel Acclamation
Praise to You, O Christ, King of eternal glory!
Now is the favourable time; this is the day of salvation.
Praise to You, O Christ, King of eternal glory!
21st March, received at Adoration,
The Shrine Chapel of the Old Good God, Tancrémont
The Gospel Reading – Luke 4:24-30
The LORD says,
“My dwelling place is in Heaven. Those who accept My invitation to live in purity and chastity, shall live where I live. My dear little ones, My heart is wide open for the graces to flow abundantly to those souls that are prepared to accept Me as their Saviour and LORD. I come to purify you and to cleanse you (your soul) from all your iniquities that prevent you from loving Me. My dear little ones: when will you have time to meditate upon My Passion? When will you come back to Me and love Me? Why can’t you understand that there is Eternal Life, which only Me can bestow you? Please, please, please, My dear little ones: change your direction towards Me, only then I can purify and cleanse you, and betroth you as My love ones. I give you the freedom and the time to meditate upon My Words of an invitation of today. What will be your answer? I bless you + : In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy spirit.” Amen!
Monday Mass: Today’s Psalm (Ps 42:3. R/ Ps 41:3) and Gospel Acclamation (Ps 129:5.7) do answer the word of God above:
Psalm (Ps 42:3. R/ Ps 41:3)
R/ My soul is thirsting for God, the God of my life; when can I enter and see the face of God.
O send forth Your light and Your truth; let these be my guide.
Let them bring me to your holy mountain to the place where you dwell.
Gospel Acclamation (Ps 129:5.7)
Praise and honour to You, LORD Jesus!
My soul is waiting for the LORD, I count on His word,
because with the LORD there is mercy and fullness of redemption.
Praise and honour to You, LORD Jesus!
30th March, received at Adoration,
The Shrine of Our Lady – The Virgin of The Poor, Banneux
The Gospel Reading – John 5:17-30
The LORD says,
“My dear people: Open your eyes to the Truth. I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Search this Truth in your heart till you find Me, you cannot have peace. I am the Resurrection and the Life... Those who believe in Me, shall not perish but I promise eternal life. I am the Source of Life, as My Father, your Father, is the origin of life and He is the Source of Life. In Me, you will have life in full. Do you believe in that? STOP doubting my children, but believe! So that I can come to your life and resurrect you to a new life... A life full of faith, hope and love (charity) and peace will always remain in you, and among you (with everyone you will be). My dear little ones: Listen to Me... Take My Heart and love Me, with goodness and Adoration. I shall be with you now and forever... Trust in Me. Behold! For I will make all things new in you! Thank you for having listened to My call to repentance. I bless you.” + Amen!
Wednesday Mass: Today’s Psalm (Ps 18:17-18. R/ v.8) and Gospel Acclamation (Jn 11:25.26) do answer the word of God above:
Psalm (Ps 18:17-18. R/ v.8)
R/ The LORD is kind and full of compassion.
The LORD is just in all His ways and loving in all His deeds.
He is close to all who call Him, who call on Him from their hearts.
Gospel Acclamation (Jn 11:25.26)
Glory and praise to You, O Christ!
I am the resurrection and the life, says the LORD;
Whoever believes in Me will never die.
Glory and praise to You, O Christ!
The Messages of God in February 2022
7th February, received at Adoration,
The Shrine Chapel of the Old Good God, Tancrémont
The 1st Reading – 1 Kings 8:1-7. 9-13; the Gospel Reading – Mark 6: 53-56
The LORD says,
“My dear people: I am calling you to be holy, as I am Holy. I am the LORD of Host, the Holy of holies. Adore Me and prostrate before Me. Love Me with all your heart and your mind and your soul. Be near... with Me day and night. My dear little ones, do not be afraid to speak of your situation. What can I help you? Are you sick? Tell Me, My little ones, do you need My help? What do you want from Me? I look at your soul, and I want you to be aware of...being sanctified and healed by My power of love. But...however, you have to trust Me, that I am your God, your Saviour and your LORD...who comes to save you. My little ones, pray hard with a contrite heart. I am near you, and I listen to you. May My presence give you Peace, Joy, and Love from Me, your JESUS. I bless you + : In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” Amen!
Monday Mass: Today’s Gospel Acclamation (Matthew 4:23) does answer the word of God above:
Gospel Acclamation (Matthew 4:23)
Alleluia, alleluia.
Jesus proclaimed the Good News of the Kingdom,
and cured all kinds of sickness among the people.
21st February, received at Adoration,
The Shrine Chapel of the Old Good God, Tancrémont
The 1st Reading – James 3: 13-18; the Gospel Reading – Mark 9:14-29. 9-13
The LORD says,
“SEEK Me first... My righteousness and wisdom; therefore, you will have all your heart desires. Ask anything with faith; for faith is the virtue of your life, and it makes you strong to walk in the difficult pathway in your life. Have faith in Me and do not doubt of My presence in you and among you. My dear children, listen then if you have ears! PEACE be with you; My Peace I give to you.” Amen!
Monday Mass: Today’s Psalm (Ps 18:8-10. R/ v.9) and Gospel Acclamation (2 Tim. 1:10) do answer the word of God above:
Psalm (Ps 18:8-10. R/ v.9)
R/ The precepts of the LORD gladden the heart.
The law of the LORD is perfect; it revives the soul.
The rule of the LORD is to be trusted; it gives wisdom to the simple.
The precepts of the LORD are right; they gladden the heart.
The command of the LORD is clear; it gives light to the eyes.
The fear of the LORD is holy, abiding for ever.
The decrees of the LORD are truth and all of them just.
Gospel Acclamation (2 Tim. 1:10)
Alleluia, alleluia.
Our Saviour Christ Jesus abolished death, and He has proclaimed life through the Good News.
The Messages of God in January 2022
10th January, received at Adoration,
The Shrine Chapel of the Old Good God, Tancrémont
The 1st Reading – Samuel 1:1-8; the Gospel Reading – Mark 1: 14-20
The LORD says,
“My dear children: Relent, and have faith in Me. All things are to be put into prayers and trust Me. My dear children, I call you to be faithful because only having faith draws you closer to Me... you look for Me, because you know you can trust Me in all things you need. My dear children: Follow Me, repent and convert and listen to My call to repentance. SEEK My Kingdom profoundly in your heart. HOPE in Me, and LOVE Me. I fill you up with My Holy Spirit that leads you to salvation and happiness and peace. My children: listen then, if you have ears. Love one another as I have loved you. Bear witness of My love and goodness to all mankind, to the people within your family and to the people you meet. Pray a lot and be at Peace. I bless you + : In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” Amen!
Monday Mass: Today’s Gospel Acclamation (Mark 1:15) does answer the word of God above:
Gospel Acclamation (Mark 1:15)
Alleluia, Alleluia.
The Kingdom of God is close at hand, repent and believe the Good News.
17th January, received at Adoration,
The Shrine Chapel of the Old Good God, Tancrémont
The Gospel Reading – Mark 2:18-22
The LORD says,
“My dear people, listen to My message today: It is high time now to change your behaviour, the way you think and your life... towards Me. Turn away from your wickedness, surrender all your ‘self’ to Me. It is time to think now about the Truth (Jesus Christ); seek It and find It with all your heart. And do not doubt My Mercy. If you change (convert and repent), you shall receive the grace from Me to be a new person, a new being that I am pleased with. Thence, you will be My disciple, humble and meek, as I Am. Therefore, My dear people, renounce your ‘self’, carry your cross and follow Me..., who is the Way, the Truth and the Life. I bless you + : In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” Amen!
Monday Mass: Today’s Gospel Acclamation (Hebrew 4:12) does answer the word of God above:
Gospel Acclamation (Hebrew 4:12)
Alleluia, alleluia.
The Word of God is something alive and active;
It can judge secret emotions and thoughts.
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