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God of Love and Mercy...


"God's love and mercy is so immensely powerful, penetrating one's  heart, mind and soul..."


All The Way My Savior Leads Me - Chris Tomlin.mp3

'My commandment is this: love one another, just as I love you.' (John 15:12)  

'The greatest love a person can have for his friends is to give his life for them...' (John 15:13)

'...I will bless the person who puts his trust in Me.'  (Jeremiah 17:7)

'I, the Lord, search the minds and test the hearts of men. I treat each one according to the way he lives, according to what he does.' (Jeremiah 17:10)


"Every human being is dear to God as He creates us. All His creation on earth is subject to His commands as He is the Only One who is Almighty. His love for us is deeper than the ocean and His mercy is more than feelings. He calls the world to repent and that He is present today to save us; His power of Love and Mercy for us is ceaseless...Jesus Christ is indeed our Saviour and our Redeemer King. Yes, our Resurrected Lord has come to save us all; He calls the world to believe in the Good News. Salvation has come...Alleluia!"

(F. Moris © God’s Mission, Amor et Misericordia Dei 2012) 


Dear visitors,

Welcome to my website. I hope this site helps you to discover God's Love and Mercy in such a particular and personal way...

God's love and mercy is for everyone - it is a gift; He incessantly calls upon us to experience it and wants us to know that "He loves us and calls us to approach His Kingdom." 

For God's purpose and for His will, this website is created; through which some Good News that incorporates testimonies with respect to ones' spiritual journey to God and authentic events of heavenly wonders and miracles have been reported and testified since. All the facts which are illustrated on this site, along with all the pictures displayed in the Good News, God's Witness, Journey to God and The Mission areas are genuine. The "miraculous images" shown in some pictures are my visions, hence if people cannot see what I see, it does not matter as it is most importantly to grasp the main messages of God that I addressed here on this website, and that to put God's Commandments of Love into practice. Salvation is depending upon our cooperation with God. Heaven's awaiting us...

Visitors can find my sharing and/or teachings from the "Prayer Group area." The sharing and/or teachings are humbly based on my faith and my experience living in God's Providence. 

Through the grace of God, consistent efforts have been made to translate the original information (published in this site) from English into French. However, since this work is cumbersome, only some translations are already published here. My heartfelt thanks to people who did the vast translations, in collaboration with me; I am grateful particularly for the great help from my spouse, Thierry, for translations along with reviewing and editing work. God bless them all... The work I have done since is focused on God's inspirations and His Word in the Holy Bible. I simply depend on God's Providence day-after-day to realise His project of Love and Mercy. As the Scripture says, "I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in Me, with Me in him, bears fruit in plenty...If you remain in Me and My words remain in you...It is the glory of my Father that you should bear much fruit." (John 15:5a; 15:7a; 15:8a) "You did not choose Me; I chose you and appointed you to go and bear much fruit, the kind of fruit that endures." (John 15:16a)  

May God bless your intention while discovering and reading the contents of this website. And for Catholics, prior to surfing through the messages in this website, I invite you to pray with the Blessed Virgin Mary; She will lead you to seeking the Light from the Blessed Trinity; for which your personal intention can be met, only through His grace alone. Amen.

Vive Christus Rex!

    Felisia  + + +


 My former Spiritual Director's letter in English (translation) and in French (original).  

Letter of Father P. Malvaux (translation).pdf Letter of Father P. Malvaux (translation).pdf
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Lettre du Père P. Malvaux.pdf Lettre du Père P. Malvaux.pdf
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The given NOTICE through the instruction of my former Spiritual Director. 

Given NOTICE.pdf Given NOTICE.pdf
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God's messages for the world

13th September 2024

The LORD says,

My dear little children: Today, I give you, My Heart; open your heart, open your heart to receive Me..., your crucified JESUS. + Be near Me..., close to My Heart and listen to My Word: take up (to your shoulders) your cross and follow Me..., follow Me until the Calvary. Come and adore Me in silence, and love Me. Those who listen to My call and do what I told you, shall receive My grace, My love and Mercy. I shall restore your life, your broken-hearted, your sorrow, your pain and sickness. My dear children, do not wait for a long time. Decide now to live in holiness. I am your Holy One; come to Me and live with Me, in Me, and through Me. Thank you for having listened to My call. I bless you +: Pater, et filius, et Spiritus Sanctus.”  (God blessed in Latin)     Amen.


17th September 2024

The LORD says,

I am the Resurrection and the Life; the First and the Last. I am the Alpha and the Omega. I always live..., I am the same today, yesterday and tomorrow. So, My dear people, do you believe that I am your God? I come (to you) in order that you may have life, life in its fullness. Do you believe in that? Or, do you still doubt? I come (to you) to rise you up from the dead! You shall no longer live in the darkness, but in My Light. For I am, the Light of the world. If you believe, then come and follow Me. I let you the choice. I love you, and I bless you.    (God blessed in Latin)     Amen. 


30th September 2024  

The LORD says,

Humble yourselves before Me, My dear children. My people of good faith, do you know that I love you? Do you know that I come to you in order to save you? But, what have I done to you... that have made you stay away from Me? No matter what you do, I am always with you. I know you – who you are... You cannot hide from Me. Because I am your God, your crucified God, your Living Bread from Heaven; I am your deliverance from all your past sins. If you humble yourself before Me, and take time to pray with love and humility as a child, you will know that I Am your Precious Pearl that you are searching for, and that you want to embrace and keep It in your heart, because you may taste and see the Beauty of Me and My Holiness. My dear people: Will you listen to your God now, or will you leave Me? Do not go..., stay with Me and love Me, and I shall bless you abundantly.”   +   Amen.

Click here for the following messages...


The messages of the Blessed Virgin Mary to all... 


Banneux, Belgium

"Believe in me, I will believe in you." "Pray very much. Au revoir."  (apparition in Banneux, Belgium, on Wednesday, 15.02.1933)

"I am the Mother of the Saviour, the Mother of God. Pray very much. Adieu."  (apparition in Banneux, Belgium, on Thursday, 02.03.1933)

Lourdes, France

"I am the Immaculate Conception." (apparition in Lourdes, France, on Thursday, 25.03.1858) 

"HOLY VIRGIN OF THE POOR, Pray for us!" 

OUR LADY OF LOURDES, Pray for us! 

The first apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Fatima, Portugal was on 13th May 1917; She gave this message to Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta from which it also addresses to the world ... 

"Pray the rosary every day for peace in the world and for the end of the war! At the end of the rosary say the following prayer: my Jesus, forgive us our sins. Save us from the fire of hell and lead us to Heaven, especially those who have the most need of Thy mercy." 

 "OUR LADY OF FATIMA, Pray for us!"

Salve Regina (Latin): Hail Holy Queen 

Ava Maria Guarani - The Mission soundtrack.mp3


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