About Me

I was born Catholic. I am currently running a Catholic Traditional Prayer Group, which is held at Notre-Dame Banneux Shrine, in Belgium once a month (see the Prayer Group Programme in the Menu).  In honour to the Blessed Virgin Mary’s message given to the visionary, Lucia, at Fatima’s Apparition, the prayer meeting is held every FIRST SATURDAY of the month from 1:30 PM until 4:15 PM. It involves Rosary Prayer, Chant of Praise and Worship, Bible reading and Sharing, Teaching, Question & Answer, and Adoration & Blessing + by a priest. The Prayer Group puts the emphasis on the importance of God's Word on His Love and Mercy. Hence, in conformity with God's Will, the Prayer Group bears the name in Latin, "Amor et Misericordia Dei" (God of Love and Mercy). I have been ministering God's Mission since 2012, not for my personal interest but for God’s Glory and for the goodness of all His people on earth. Amen!

(Felisia © God's Mission 2012)

En ce qui Me Concerne

Je suis née Catholique. Je dirige actuellement un Groupe de Prière Catholique Traditionnelle, qui se tient au Sanctuaire Notre-Dame de Banneux, en Belgique, une fois par mois (voir le Programme du Groupe de Prière dans le Menu). En l'honneur du message de la Sainte Vierge Marie donné à la visionnaire, Lucia, lors de l'Apparition de Fatima, la Réunion de Prière a lieu tous les PREMIERS SAMEDIS du mois de 13h30 à 16h15. Elle comprend la Prière du Rosaire, le Chant de Louange et d'Adoration, la Lecture et le Partage de la Bible, l'Enseignement, les Questions-Réponses et l'Adoration et la Bénédiction + par un prêtre. Le Groupe de Prière met l'accent sur l'importance de la Parole de Dieu sur Son Amour et Sa Miséricorde. Ainsi, conformément à la volonté de Dieu, le Groupe de Prière porte le nom en latin « Amor et Misericordia Dei » (Dieu d'Amour et de Miséricorde). Je suis au service de la Mission de Dieu depuis 2012, non pas pour mon intérêt personnel mais pour la gloire de Dieu et pour la bonté de tout son peuple sur terre. Amen!

(Felisia © God's Mission 2012)



 GOD is with us

God is our shelter and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. So we will not be afraid, even if the earth is shaken and mountains fall into the ocean depths; even if the seas roar and rage, and the hills are shaken by the violence...The LORD Almighty is with us...He is our refuge. Come and see what the LORD has done. See what amazing things he has done on earth. He stops wars all over the world; he breaks bow, destroys spears, and sets shields on fire. 

"Be still," HE says, "and know  that I am GOD, supreme among the nations, supreme over the world." 

(Psalm 46: 1-3, 7-10)




For  GOD  loved the world so much that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life. For GOD did not send His Son into the world to be its judge, but to be its SAVIOUR. 

(John 3:16-17) 

CHRIST's suffering

GOD will bless you...if you endure the pain of undeserved suffering because you are conscious of his will...if you endure suffering even when you have done right, God bless you for it. It  was to this that God called you, for CHRIST Himself suffered for you and left you an example, so that you would follow in His steps...CHRIST Himself carried our sins in His body to the Cross, so that we might die to sin and live for righteousness. It is by His wounds that you have been healed.

(1 Peter 2: 19-21, 24)

Let us PRAY...

"My dear LORD JESUS,  

My LORD and my GOD,

Thank You for giving me Faith to believe, for faith makes my eyes open to see the Truth. 

The TRUTH has set me free! 

Thank You for giving me Hope to live, for hope gives me the strength to overcome all troubles. 

You are my only STRENGTH! 

Thank You for giving me Love to do good, for I am nothing without You. 

You alone are HOLY!

Thank You for giving me the LIGHT to walk  with You. You show me in the right path. 

You are the only WAY!

O LORD, You are the reason why I live here on earth.

Help me to do Your Will, for You alone know my beginnings and my endings.

JESUS, I believe in You,  You are my SAVIOUR!

JESUS, I belong to You, You are my CREATOR!


You are My LORD and My GOD, 

I love You, I adore You, 

I worship You, I trust in You, 

And I glorify Your Holy Name, 

Now and forever. 



(Felisia © My dear LORD JESUS, March 2013)






Felisia © God's Mission, Copyright, October 2010 - All Rights Reserved

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